Local Development of These Docs

If you'd like to develop these docs, the follow commands should get you started locally -- with hot-reloading too :)

You'll need to create and configure a Python environment according to configuration provided in requirements.txt file in the root of this directoy, e.g. via

python3 -m venv venv && source venv/bin/activate && python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

And your current session would already be using that virtual Python environment, which you could deactivate by executing deactivate command. If in the future you would need to activate it, just source venv/bin/activate again.

After that you can either - do one time manual build using mkdocs build and find built website under site/ folder. - run mkdocs serve which would not only build website and start a local webserver for you to visit rendered version at e.g.,